Meeting between Rawbank and student members of the Africa Caucus student organization at Harvard Kennedy School

On March 15, Rawbank had the privilege of welcoming 30 student members of the Africa Caucus, the Harvard Kennedy School student organization dedicated to Africa and its development. The meeting provided an opportunity for constructive exchanges on the bank?s strategic axes and initiatives in the context of the region?s social and economic development.

The last meeting between Harvard and Rawbank, in February 2024, during the bank's participation in the African Business Conference organized by the Harvard Center for African Studies in Boston, had already given rise to a series of strategic exchanges on the role that Harvard's Congolese students could play, with prospects of returning home and a desire to contribute to the local economic fabric.

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As part of its commitment to social progress and the development of human capital in the DRC, Rawbank has set up a recruitment and mentoring program aimed at attracting the best Congolese talent from the best universities.
Une démarche qui s?inscrit dans la stratégie de la banque, articulée entres autres autour de la pérennité, la solidité et la méritocratie, qui sont au c?ur de l?institution.

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As part of its development strategy, Rawbank intends to seize partnership opportunities with renowned academic institutions such as Harvard. This partnership could offer mutual benefits in terms of specialized training for the bank?s employees, while building bridges to encourage the exchange of strategic skills.