
Easy Fly

Easy Fly est un crédit qui offre la possibilité aux salariés d?entreprises agréés par Rawbank d?acheter des billets d?avion à crédit dans les agences de voyage partenaires ainsi que les compagnies d’aviation.

What are the eligibility criteria for Easy Fly credit ?


Would you like to travel with ease thanks to a bank loan? Choose Easy Fly credit.

The credit eligibility criteria are as follows :

  • Être âgé de 20 à 60 ans ;
  • Be employed by a company approved by Rawbank
  • A minimum wage of USD 200 ;
  • Have an employment contract with a minimum of one year of seniority

What are the characteristics of the Easy Fly Credit?


With Easy Fly, you can take out a credit :

  • A montant ranging from USD 200 to USD 10 000 ;
  • With a monthly interest rate of 1.75%;
  • For up to 24 months ;
  • With a monthly installment amount not exceeding 35% of the net monthly salary

It is a fixed term advance whose credit amount cannot exceed 4 months of net salary.