Study credit

Le crédit Etude est un crédit à la consommation destiné aux paiements de frais de scolarité et académiques des enfants des salariés d?entreprises agréées au crédit Rawbank.

The credit eligibility criteria are as follows :


  • Be aged between 25 to 60 years (60 to 65 years in the case of Seniors)
  • Be employed by a company approved by Rawbank
  • Have a minimum salary of 150 USD ;
  • Have a work contract with a minimum of 1 year’s tenure

What are the characteristics of the Study Credit?


Study allows you to benefit from a loan :

  • Ranging from USD 150 to USD 5 000 ;
  • A monthly interest rate of 2.5% (USD) and 3.75% (CDF) ;
  • For up to 13 months
  • With a monthly installment amount not exceeding 35% of the net monthly salary

This is a fixed-term advance (ATF).