Intended for individuals, the travel insurance called GOSUR covers all harmful incidents occurring on the territory of the destination country. It must be sudden events (illness, loss of luggage, legal assistance...).

In the event of a claim, the insured calls the number of the partner that will be communicated to him at the time of subscription.

The conditions of subscription

Souscrire à l’assurance GOSUR, il faut (être) :

  • Détenteur d’un passeport valide,
  • Mention travel time,
  • Have a travel date and return date,
  • Have a destination country.

Les caractéristiques de l’assurance

Travel insurance covers :

  • Medical expenses and hospitalization abroad ;
  • Transport or repatriation in the event of illness or injury ;
  • Repatriation of a family member traveling with the insured ;
  • Travel of an immediate family member ;
  • Emergency return home following the death of a close relative;
  • Transport or repatriation of the deceased beneficiary ;
  • Legal assistance ;
  • Compensation for delayed delivery of checked baggage ;
  • Drug delivery ;
  • Cash advance
  • Compensation for flight delays

En cas de constatation d?une tentative de corruption ou d?une activité suspecte contraire à l?éthique, merci de signaler immédiatement l?incident à l?adresse [email protected] .

Tout signalement doit être fait de bonne foi et sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Aucune forme de représailles ne sera tolérée à l?encontre de ceux qui rapportent des incidents d?éthique.