Leopard credit

Leopard Credit is consumer credit intended for employees of the Congolese state. It is a fixed-term advance (FTA) with a credit limit of up to 4 months of net salary.

What are the eligibility criteria for Leopard credit ?


The credit eligibility criteria are as follows :

  • Must be between the ages of 25 and 60 (61 to 65 for seniors)
  • Be an agent of a state-owned company approved by Rawbank
  • Minimum wage of 54 USD
  • Have a registration number

What are the characteristics of Leopard credit ?


Leopard allows you to benefit from a loan :

  •  A montant ranging from USD 216 to USD 10 000 ;
  • With a monthly interest rate of 1.5% (USD) and 3.75% (CDF) ;
  • For up to 15 months ;
  • With a monthly installment amount not exceeding 35% of the net monthly salary

This is a fixed-term advance (ATF) with a maximum credit of 4 months' net salary.

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