Express credit

Le Crédit Express est un crédit personnel non affecté contractuellement à un projet précis, le client pourra donc utiliser la somme empruntée à sa convenance.

What are the eligibility criteria for Express credit ?


You have a specific project and wish to apply for credit at the bank ? Opt for the Express credit.

The credit eligibility criteria are as follows :

  • Be aged between 25 to 60 years (60 to 65 years in the case of Seniors)
  • Be employed by a company approved by Rawbank
  • Have a minimum salary of 150 USD
  • Have a work contract with a minimum of 1 year’s tenure
  • VISA CDF or USD cardholder
  • Have subscribed to the SMS alert service

What are the characteristics of the Express Credit?


Express vous permet de bénéficier d?un crédit :

  • Ranging from 450 USD to 30,000 USD
  • With a monthly interest rate negotiated according to the employer's profile
  • For a duration of up to 60 months (according to the employer’s credit approval)
  • With a monthly installment amount not exceeding 35% of the net monthly salary

It is a fixed term advance (FTA), with a credit amount not exceeding 15 months of net salary.


Download Express credit application form

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