Confort credit

Le Crédit Confort est une autorisation de découvert, une ligne de crédit accordée aux clients salariés Retail dont l’âge varie entre 25 et 60 ans…

What are the eligibility criteria for Confort credit ?


The credit eligibility criteria are as follows :

  • Be aged between the ages of 25 to 60 years
  • Be employed by a company approved by Rawbank
  • Have a minimum salary of 150 USD (except for civil servants, for whom it is 54 USD)
  • Have an employment contract with a minimum of one year of seniority

What are the characteristics of the Confort Credit?


Confort allows you to benefit from a loan :

  • An amount not exceeding 50% of your salary ;
  • With a monthly interest rate of 2.99% (USD) and 5.99% (CDF)
  • Pour une durée allant jusqu?à 24 mois

It is a line of credit (LOC) with a credit amount not exceeding 50% of net salary.

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