Account Smiley

The smiley account is a savings account in US dollars (USD) for children aged 0 to 12 years. So that the future.

Smile, their future is assured

How to open a Smiley Account


To be a Smiley Minor Account holder, you must :  

  • That the legal representative of the child goes to the agency to open the account ;
  • Be equipped with 2 color passport photos for the minor and 2 color passport photos for the child's legal representative;
  • Have the child's birth certificate ;
  • Make a minimum deposit of USD 50 at the opening of the account.

What are the advantages of the Smiley account ? 


The proposed benefits are multiple :

  • No account management fees
  • Un taux d’intérêt créditeur allant jusqu’à 5% l’an
  • The bank offers you a welcome gift of 10 USD at the opening of the account for any child under 10 years old.

What transactions can I carry out with the Smiley Account ? 


The following transactions are allowed through the Smiley Account:

  • Deposit at the counter ;
  • Withdrawal at the counter ;
  • Leveling from parent or guardian account to child's account.


Read the General Regulations of Operations.

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Tout signalement doit être fait de bonne foi et sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Aucune forme de représailles ne sera tolérée à l?encontre de ceux qui rapportent des incidents d?éthique.