Current account

The current account is a classic current account, available in Congolese Franc (CDF), American Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), South African Rand (ZAR), Yuan (RMB), and Canadian Dollar (CAD).

How to open a current account


In order to open a current account, the following requirements must be met :

  1. Conditions of eligibility be of age, resident or non-resident.;
  2. Opening conditions : you need :
  • Fill in the account opening form + FATCA;
  • Fill in acknowledgement of receipt RGO  ;
  • Be in possession of a valid identity document (passport, ID card,driver's license)  ;
  • wo color passport photos

What are the characteristics of the current account?? 


The characteristics of the current account are:

  • He is dintended for all customers?;
  • No account limit is defined?;
  • The account maintenance fee is 5 USD/month for the Retails and 10 USD/month for theliens and corporate entities ;
  • The means of payment are card, checkbook, and Payment Order (PO)

What transactions can I perform with the current account ? 


With the current account you can perform the following banking operations:

  • Deposit and withdrawal at the counter;
  • Withdrawal and payment with card;
  • Wire transfer
  • Transfer
  • Repatriation
  • The provision of funds

Read the General Regulations of Operations.

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