Alert Banking

With ALERT BANKING, you receive alerts in real time, by e-mail or SMS, for each transaction on your account (debit or credit).

You will also benefit from the automatic e-mailing of copies of your SWIFT messages and daily account statements.

What are the advantages of the Alert Banking service?


With Alert Banking you benefit from the following advantages:

  • Practice : real-time synchronization of information
  • Security: helps fight against fraud with real-time alerts for all transactions
  • Adaptability: quick correction of operations in case of error

Quelles sont les fonctionnalités du service Alert Banking ?


The functionalities of the Alert Banking service are as follows:

  • Alert in case of debit/credit transaction (SMS and email)
  • Copy of the SWIFT message generated during a SWIFT transaction (email only)
  • Daily account statement (email only)

Apart from the daily account statement, which is sent by email only, the service charges are as follows:

  • SWIFT messages: Free
  • SMS Alert: 1.75 USD per month
  • Email Alert: 1.5 USD per month
  • Alert Pack (SMS and email): 2.75 USD per month


Allô is the interactive server allowing customers to check their balance through SMS, email or through the Alert Pack.

En cas de constatation d?une tentative de corruption ou d?une activité suspecte contraire à l?éthique, merci de signaler immédiatement l?incident à l?adresse [email protected] .

Tout signalement doit être fait de bonne foi et sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Aucune forme de représailles ne sera tolérée à l?encontre de ceux qui rapportent des incidents d?éthique.