The Schoolap Molakisi Credit is a consumer credit intended to finance the acquisition of a Schoolap Molakisi tablet, a necessary material for learning lessons for the students and an essential tool for the preparation of the lessons for the teachers - civil servants of the State - employees of RAWBANK approved companies.
What are the eligibility criteria for Schoolap credit ?
Do you want to guarantee your children's education through learning? You have the choice, opt for the Schoolap credit.
The credit eligibility criteria are as follows :
- Have a minimum salary of 150 USD ;
- Be an agent of a company approved by RAWBANK.
- Be between the ages of 25 and 60 (61 and 65 for senior citizens);
- Have a registration number (for public company employees);
What are the characteristics of Schoolap credit ?
This consumer credit allows you to benefit from :
- Amount ranging from USD 150 to USD 1 500 ;
- With a monthly interest rate of 3.25% in CDF and 2% in USD ;
- For up to 13 months ;
- With a monthly installment amount not exceeding 35% of the net monthly salary
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