Corporate Social Responsibility

Our impact

Since launching its operations in 2002, Rawbank has adopted a proactive approach to social responsibility, involving the integration of social, environmental, and governance (ESG) issues in all its interactions with stakeholders.

Our role, as the leading bank in the country, is clearly defined by our vision: To serve the Congolese by building a better and sustainable future around three priority axes: human capital, operational efficiency, and sustainable development.

Rawbank plays a leading role in acting and building a virtuous business model that allows for the creation of sustainably shared value by providing responsible and innovative financial solutions.

Since 2017, the bank has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact. This commitment to the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, organized into four pillars—Human Rights, international labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption—was recognized in 2021 with the election of RAWBANK SA to the Board of Directors of the local network in the DRC for a four-year term.

Our Priority Areas of Intervention

Our CSR approach aims to support the sustainable and balanced development of the Congolese economy through the implementation of 6 priority SDGs both internally and externally: the eradication of poverty (SDG 1), health (SDG 3), education (SDG 4), access to water (SDG 6), gender equality (SDG 5), and combating climate change (SDG 13). These six axes are the drivers of positive transformations in Rawbank's action as a responsible bank.

Our CSR News


Rawbank inaugurates four new wells to improve access to clean water in Central DRC

As part of its ambitious initiative to improve access to drinking water in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rawbank, in partnership with the...


L’ERAIFT organise “The English Speaking Days For Nature, Biodiversity and Climate”

On April 17 and 18, 2024, ERAIFT organized two days of discussions and reflections at the Centre Wallonie de Bruxelles in Kinshasa, entitled "English...


In Kinshasa, Rawbank and Congo Salubrité join forces for a healthier environment

To mark World Environment Day, Rawbank has joined Congo Salubrité's initiative to breathe new life into Kinshasa's damaged ecosystems...


Rawbank aligns itself with the United Nations Global Compact agreement

Banque de référence en République Démocratique du Congo, Rawbank applique depuis le lancement de ses activités une vision claire, à savoir  : Être au…


Rawbank, partenaire de l’OVG

Consécutivement au protocole d’accord signé en 2022 en marge de la première conférence internationale sur la gestion des volcans de Virunga organisée au Nord-Kivu…

Les rapports RSE

CSR Reports

CSR Reports

CSR Report 2020

COP Global Compact Reports

COP Global Compact Reports

Rapport COP Global Compact 2021

COP Global Compact Reports

COP Global Compact Report 2018

COP Global Compact Reports

COP Global Compact Report 2019

COP Global Compact Reports

COP Global Compact 2020 Report

En cas de constatation d’une tentative de corruption ou d’une activité suspecte contraire à l’éthique, merci de signaler immédiatement l’incident à l’adresse [email protected] .

Tout signalement doit être fait de bonne foi et sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Aucune forme de représailles ne sera tolérée à l’encontre de ceux qui rapportent des incidents d’éthique.