
The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors determines the strategic orientations of the bank's activities and ensures their implementation. It exercises these powers within the limits of the corporate purpose, subject to those powers expressly assigned by law to shareholders' meetings and within the limits of the role assigned to it by legislation and banking regulations.

Its role is also to ensure the long-term viability of the organization by promoting the development of entrepreneurial leadership and ensuring the quality of day-to-day management, the measurement and control of risks related to the bank's businesses, and compliance with the principles of good operational governance.

The composition of the Board of Directors


Chairman of the Board

Chaiman Emeritus

M. Mazhar RAWJI

Executive Directors

M. Mustafa RAWJI : General Manager
M. Christian KAMANZI : Directeur Général Adjoint Administration & Risques
M. Antoine KIALA : Treasurery Director

Non-executive directors

Administrateur indépendant, Président du Comité d’Ethique et de Conformité et Membre du Comité des Crédits du Conseil
Administrateur indépendant, Membre du Comité d’Audit et du Comité des risques
Administrateur, Membre du Comité des Crédits du Conseil
Administrateur, Président du Comité des Crédits du Conseil et Membre du Comité d’Ethique et de Conformité et Comité des Nominations
Administrateur, Membre du Comité d’Ethique et de Conformité, Comité des Rémunérations
Administrateur indépendant, Président du Comité d’Audit et du Comité des Rémunérations
Chairman of the Risk Committee and member of the Audit Committee
Administrateur Indépendant, Président du Comité des Nominations et Membre du Comité des risques

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the body that ensures the effective implementation of the strategic orientations defined by the Board of Directors.

Composed of the General Manager, the Deputy General Managers, the Director of the Treasury, and some permanent guests active in the management team.

The Executive Committee provides the necessary support and guidance to the Management Committee in the execution of its operational responsibilities.

The Executive Committee ensures the effective application of the strategic orientations defined by the Board of Directors, and assists General Management in its day-to-day management of the Bank.

In addition, the Executive Committee provides the necessary support and advice to the various entities in carrying out their operational responsibilities.

The Management Committee

The Management Committee is the operational body under the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer, who is assisted by the directors who are members of the Management Committee. Its role is to propose to the Board of Directors the broad lines of the bank's strategy, to execute this strategy in accordance with the decisions taken by the Board of Directors and to ensure the organization of all day-to-day management tasks, and to report regularly to the Board of Directors.

The specific committees attached to the Executive Committee, in agreement with the Board of Directors, define the organization, objectives, and operating procedures. Their purpose is to ensure that all of the bank's services and departments operate in an optimal manner, with a view to quality and security. These committees meet regularly, each according to a pre-established schedule. The bank has about 20 of them.

The Management Committee's composition

The Executive Committee's composition

Deputy General Manager – Administration and Risks
Deputy General Manager – Support and Infrastructure
Director of the Treasury
Director of Performances and Network
Director of Banking Production
Commercial Director
Director of Risk
Human Capital Manager
Director of Digital Innovation
Director of Logistics & Real Estate
Director of Finance
Director of Compliance
Director or Fintech
Director of Strategic Development
Regional Director of the Kinshasa Area
Regional Director of the Sud Area
Head of Permanent Control
Deputy General Manager – Administration and Risks
Deputy General Manager – Support and Infrastructure
Director of the Treasury
Director of Performances and Network
Commercial Director
Director of Risk
Director of Strategic Development
Director of Finance
Director of Compliance

Governance is described in several charters that govern the functioning of the Board of Directors and the Management Committee.

These governance standards comply with the instructions of the Central Bank of Congo (instructions 15, 17, and 22) and meet internationally recognized banking management criteria.

Normes contenant les dispositions applicables au Conseil d’Administration 

  • the Memorandum of Good Governance
  • the Board of Directors' Charter
  • the Audit Committee Charter
  • the Risk Committee Charter
  • the Ethics and Compliance Committee Charter
  • la charte du comité Nominations.

Normes contenant les dispositions applicables au niveau du Management

  • the Executive Management Charter
  • the Code of Ethics
  • the Compliance Charter
  • the Internal Control Charter
  • the Internal Audit Charter
  • les politiques en matière de gestion des risques et conformité LAB-FT.

Internal Control is a coherent and global system comprising a set of human and technical resources whose objectives are:

  • the security of operations, goods, and people
  • the efficiency and quality of services
  • compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, as well as professional and ethical standards and practices
  • the promotion of a strong culture of control and ethics
  • the production and dissemination of reliable, high-quality, and rapidly available information
  • compliance with the objectives, rules, and limits set by management

Internal control is organized at three levels.

The first level: immediate, systematic and permanent control. This aims to guarantee the regularity, security, and validity of all banking operations, as well as compliance with measures related to the monitoring of the risks associated with these operations. It is carried out in each area of operational management (cash operations, transfers, foreign exchange, credit, etc.) and functional management (human resources, delegation, accounting, IT). It is carried out by the agent in charge of the operation and is then validated by the line manager.

The second level: a systematic, permanent, informed control, but with an adapted regularity and operations grouped according to their nature. Its objective is to verify the regularity and conformity of operations and to monitor specific risks.

The third level: consists of periodic, ad hoc, or unannounced controls carried out by management and Internal Audit. The latter's mission is to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of the first and second level control systems, and in particular their appropriateness to the nature of the risks associated with operations.

The Compliance function focuses on seven specific points:

  1. To integrate the rules of the Congolese legislation as well as the international standards on the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing in the procedures and instructions of the bank
  2. Examine applications to open accounts and submit them to the Compliance Committee for decision
  3. Ensure the regularization of account opening files
  4. Monitor transactions to detect suspicious transactions
  5. Provide compliance training to staff
  6. Monitoring the compliance of the bank's personnel
  7. Centralize staff communications on suspicious transactions and file suspicious transaction reports with the Central Bank of Congo

Corporate and Institutional Banking

[email protected]

Commercial Banking

Danish Raza SADANI
[email protected]

Privilege Banking

Retail Banking

Pierre Marie MOREL 
[email protected]

Kinshasa area

[email protected]

South area

Arnaud COUPE
[email protected]

Center area

[email protected]

West area

[email protected]

East Zone

[email protected]

Representative office in Brussels

[email protected]

En cas de constatation d’une tentative de corruption ou d’une activité suspecte contraire à l’éthique, merci de signaler immédiatement l’incident à l’adresse [email protected] .

Tout signalement doit être fait de bonne foi et sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Aucune forme de représailles ne sera tolérée à l’encontre de ceux qui rapportent des incidents d’éthique.