The bank

RAWBANK accompanies the commitment of young people to development...

Under the national theme "commitment and participation of youth for the development of the DRC by 2050" was celebrated, on August 12, the International Youth Day. RAWBANK, a partner of young people, never ceases to accompany them in all sectors. And for this umpteenth action, the bank highlighted the advantages of the product Academia, a current and savings account adapted to Congolese youth for their development.


This year, RAWBANK is proud to have accompanied the International Youth Day organized by the Congolese Government and which knew a strong participation in order to reflect on the national theme "commitment and participation of the youth for the development of the DRC at the horizon 2050". This ceremony was not in vain, the personal representative of the Head of State and the authorities present, committed themselves to boost in a participatory and concrete way the emergence of youth.

Comme l’a souligné André KABANDA KANA, représentant du Chef de l’État : « Le Chef de L’État va vous assurer de l’attention qu’il accorde particulièrement, sous sa direction, à toutes les préoccupations des jeunes. Avec l’accompagnement du très Haut et petit à petit, la RDC va changer. »

This International Youth Day was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on 17 December 1999 in its resolution 54/120.

Chantal YELU MULOP, Special Advisor to the Head of State in charge of youth, emphasized the fact that youth, which is a driving force, faces immense challenges in various areas of life, especially the field of employment because unemployment currently affects four out of five young Congolese.

jok oga rawbank

To improve financial literacy and contribute to the inclusion of all young people, RAWBANK, put a focus on its Academia product, "This global youth action is through development...We accompany the youth, especially through training and education. RAWBANK also prioritizes the local workforce and in this workforce we have the youth but that's not all." explained Jok OGA, Public Relations Manager.


The celebration of this ceremony corroborates with the vision of the Head of State which is to provide the Republic with a conscientious youth for a bright future and active for the better management of public affairs.

Patrick MUYAYA, Député National, a partagé des paroles de soutien à la jeunesse : « Je crois que les jeunes doivent avoir l’espoir et le courage de continuer malgré toutes les difficultés que nous connaissons. Les grands défis façonnent les grands hommes. Si les jeunes congolais se lèvent, on peut réussir dans tous les domaines. Ça vaut la peine de célébrer les jeunes, ce sont eux qui sont à l’ouvrage pour construire le présent et l’avenir de ce pays. »

RAWBANK in its vision to build together a great and strong Congo, also involves the development of young people through different banking products and services but also, training programs and professional support available to them.

RAWBANK is my bank.