Rawbank invites clients, partners to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar

As a long-standing and loyal partner of football in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rawbank announces that as part of its partnership with Visa, an official sponsor of the FIFA 2022 World Cup, some of its clients and partners were able to visit Qatar to attend World Cup matches.

Carried out in partnership with Visa, this initiative brought together Congolese who have a shared passion for the game football, and the des values to sharing and to cohésion which flow from it. Rawbank to convincend of the important the loyalty that sport plays in society and regularly organises events which encourage the spread of the values that it teaches. 

Rawbank diffuse la finale de la coupe du monde 2022

The selection of the winners was based on the points accumulated through Rawards, loyalty programme, which is open fidélité to holders of the Visa Rawbank card .

The winners had an all-expenses paid trip to Qatar. Twenty people flew in total, attending three matches for an unforgettable experience.


 « C’est une fierté pour Rawbank d’être l’unique institution financière en RDC à s’engager auprès de la Coupe du monde de la FIFA 2022, flow tant the partenaire to Visa. Rawbank sharing les valeurs du football, particulièrement l’esprit d’équipe et d’engagement. L’année 2022 est une année de célébration pour la banque, qui a célébré son vingtième anniversaire. Dans le cadre, nous avons voulu permettre à nos clients et collaborateurs de vivre des moments exceptionnels flow participant à ce grand évènement sportif mondial » a déclaré Mustafa Rawji, Directeur général de la Rawbank.

To make the final of the FIFA 2022 World Cup a truly shared experience, the bank created dedicated spaces in Kinshasa to allow everyone to watch the game. Rawbank is proud to have brought alive the magic of football through this historic final which was followed by everyone with a passion for the sport.