The bank

RAWBANK, education partner in the DRC.

The association « Grand Equateur’elles », brings together women from the province of Grand Equateur, to improve education and access to healthcare for the population. For Rawbank, this action is fully in keeping with the framework of its ESR policy that the Bank integrates into its activities to benefit the Congolese population.

Rawbank has been supporting the « Grand Equateur’Elles » organization since 2018, which has led to the implementation of several social impact activities in their community. During a charitable evening on 12 April 2019, the organizers aimed to highlight two causes to which they are dedicated: women’s healthcare and youth education. Thus, this was an occasion to present participants with a plan of action and to review the work already accomplished thanks to the generosity and support of businesses such as Rawbank.

“We would like to thank Rawbank for its support dating back to its first involvement in 2018: helping girls during the back-to-school season for the girls of the Grand Equateur. Today, our fight will also reach the maternity departments of the public hospitals in Equateur. We are particularly honoured to note that Rawbank is present in our cities to facilitate our transactions and to contribute to the financial inclusion of our brothers and sisters of Equateur”, noted Patience Barandenge, Treasurer of the Association.

With the involvement of Rawbank, Grand Equateur’Elles also established a platform to mobilize funding and human resources with the objective of financing school for around 6,000 students living in this part of the country.

The evening was meant to be a time to reflect on the different challenges with which the province of Grande Equateur has been confronted over the last decades as well as solutions and the improvement of living conditions for the Congolese.

For Rawbank, its contribution to Grand Equateur is on several levels, not only contributing to the implementation of infrastructure and to the construction and development of its branches but also to the improved access to education for youth through initiatives such as Grand Equateur’Elles.  

What is most important to us is to succeed with you.