Rawbank's digital corporate offer

Eager to adopt the highest international standards and to best meet the needs of its corporate clients in a dematerialized world, Rawbank provides you with a complete, efficient, and secure digital offer, with the aim of facilitating and automating the management of your cash flow and your payment chain.

Payment Order Integration System (POIS)

Le SIOP est la connexion de votre système informatique, à celui de la banque, au moyen d’une plateforme sécurisée d’échanges de fichiers (norme ISO 20022) afin d’automatiser vos transactions financières.


Le Système d‘Intégration des Ordres de Paiement est une plateforme sécurisée que la banque met à la disposition de ses clients disposant d‘un ERP ou d‘un système compatible afin de s‘interfacer ensemble.

The PIOS is the connection of your computer system to that of the bank, by means of a secure file exchange platform (ISO 20022 standard) in order to automate your financial transactions.

PIOS allows you to manage and automate your transactions directly from your ERP without any intervention at the bank.

It is suitable for large companies wishing to connect their internal system directly to Rawbank's to initiate payment orders and other financial transactions.

PIOS Benefits:

  • Save a considerable amount of time by not having to enter all your invoices manually and then transfer them to your payment software or ERP
  • Automate your supplier and employee payment chain for efficient processing
  • Automating processes will increase processing quality and reduce your operational costs

The main functionalities of PIOS:

  • Intra Rawbank transfers
  • Transfers to other local banks (only in foreign currency)
  • Transfers to foreign countries
  • Standing orders
  • Direct debits
  • Deferred transfers, wires and direct debits
  • Transaction status after receipt
  • Status after transaction processing

Advantages of the ISO 20022 Standard

Harmonized procedures, standards, and formats. The ISO 20022 standard allows for the harmonization of information to be exchanged with proven international standards.

All relevant data will be fully integrated and reproduced in the payment process, thus minimizing sources of error.


ERP or a software compatible with the emission of files in ISO 20022 format.


OPTIMUS CLIENTS a secure web platform that facilitates the monitoring of foreign exchange declarations related to the import and export of goods and services as well as those related to capital transfers.


OPTIMUS CLIENT is a secure platform that RAWBANK makes available to its eligible customers in order to allow them to better monitor the management of foreign exchange declarations, particularly through alerts and other features that this service offers.

This tool reduces the risk of penalties that your company may incur for non-compliance with the requirements of the Banque Centrale du Congo in terms of foreign exchange declarations.

OPTIMUS CLIENTS allows you to manage your returns directly without any intervention at the bank level.

The Advantages of OPTIMUS CLIENTS:

Global overview of your capital transfers, imports, and exports.

Autonomy in the follow-up of IB, IS, EB, ES, and RC declarations.

Compliance with the requirements and deadlines of the Central Bank of Congo in order to avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Visual alerts showing the status of your licenses with information that allows for better tracking, such as license amount, RFI amount, the difference between the two, calculated CSR, CSR paid by the bank, customs value, license status, and days of validity.

The main features of OPTIMUS CLIENTS

  • Search and consultation of IB, IS, EB, ES, and RC declarations, as well as all information related to these documents since their genesis
  • Exchange section with RAWBANK allowing you to submit requests and get answers from your bank
  • Possibility to upload documents required by the Central Bank of Congo on the platform by attaching them directly to your declarations (up to 60MB)
  • Visual alerts allowing you to follow your declarations


Banking at the click of a button. Access your RAWBANK accounts 24 hours a day, with a platform that fits your organization.

RawbankOnline allows you to manage your accounts, from anywhere and at any time.

This tool, designed for businesses, gives you easy access in real time to all information and transactions on your accounts.

The RBO Advantages:

  • Practical and customizable: a platform with several levels of entries and validations to best fit your needs and internal processes
  • Secure, reliable and confidential: the RBO identification system is composed of a password (virtual keyboard) and a personal login. It ensures maximum security for all connections to your bank accounts
  • Fast and efficient: all entries, validations, and transactions are displayed and executed in real time

Increased functionality:

  • View your account balances and transactions in real time
  • Account to account transfers
  • Local bank transfers in FDC and foreign currencies
  • International transfers in foreign currencies
  • Generation of account statements
  • Consultation of exchange rates
  • Provision of cash in any Rawbank branch
  • Sending emails to your account manager
  • Provision of documents by the bank in your dedicated space
  • Ordering a cheque book
  • Personalization of the client space (account names)


Transactions, payments, cash management, and reporting.


Facilitates the reception, processing, and transmission of SWIFT messages for our clients who are members of this international network.


This tool makes it possible to manage all the banking positions of a corporate client through a single SWIFT interface, facilitating cash management.

Product features

MT101, MT102, MT103, MT104

  • Account-to-account transfers
  • Multiple transfers
  • Transfers to RAWBANK beneficiaries
  • Local and foreign transfers (only in foreign currency)

MT940, MT941, MT942, MT950

  • Daily account statement
  • Monthly account statement
  • Beginning-of-month balance
  • End-of-day balance

The Advantages of Swift Light:

  • Communicate with Rawbank via SWIFT, an international and secure network
  • Reduce your costs and streamline your management with a multi-bank and multi-country solution
  • Have an immediate overview of your cash position and integrate it with your accounting


Be a member of the SWIFT network


SMS, email, Swift Message, and account statements

Be informed free of charge and in real time of the movements and positions of your accounts.


ALERT BANKING allows you to receive, in real time, by email or SMS, alerts each time your accounts record a movement (debit or credit).

We also provide you with the automatic sending, by email, of copies of your SWIFT messages and your daily account statements.

The Advantages of ALERT BANKING:

  • Practical: the information comes to you in real time
  • Security: allows you to fight against fraud by being alerted in real time of all transactions, or to correct a transaction quickly

Product features

  • Debit/credit movement alert (by SMS and email)
  • Copy of the SWIFT message generated during a SWIFT transaction (only by email)
  • Daily account statement (only by email)