The bank

RAWBANK honors DR Congo's only living veteran for 60 years of independence

RAWBANK is proud to have sponsored the activity initiated by Allô Services Sarl, a Congolese structure leader in the cultural promotion of the DR Congo. The action focused on the recognition and the honor of the veterans. These valiant Congolese soldiers participated in the Second World War of 1940-1945.  

RAWBANK, partner and sponsor of the company Allô Services, inscribes this gesture within the framework of its actions in favor of the elderly people but also, for the promotion of the culture and the values related to the mythical date of June 30th.  

It is in memory of all the sacrifices made that Allô Services offered a lunch at the restaurant La Bodeguita to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the independence of the DR Congo and also to honor Mr. Albert Kunyuku Ngoma, the only living veteran, around a meeting rich in colors, sharing of experiences, and gifts.


Present at this event, His Excellency Mr. Aimé Ngoy Mukena, Minister of Defense and Veterans, welcomed this timely action and promised to do more for the well-being of this valiant soldier and his family.

The NGO Initiative Plus, of the former First Lady Marie-Olive Lembe Kabila, represented by its communication advisor, Ms. Angèle Kanam, made an act of great generosity to Mr. Kunyuku.

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"In the name of all our family, we thank RAWBANK and particularly Allô Services for this honor and for the recognition of our father who is practically the only living veteran. Honoring him with this event and with the different gestures of attention reassures us that we are not forgotten", said the son of Mr. Albert Kunyuku, veteran of the Second World War.

The meeting was also marked by the presence of the Association of Children of Veterans. The Secretary General of this ASBL took advantage of his speech time to thank the commendable initiative and by the same occasion, the representative of the veterans launched a call to those who hesitate to integrate the said association.

Thus, through this celebration, Allô Services, in partnership with the bank, has valued this noble struggle through this moment of sharing together with a symbolic signing of an envelope as a sign of recognition and a mark of respect.

For RAWBANK, sponsoring this activity pursues two objectives: to value the valiant soldiers who fought in World War II from 1940-1945, especially by supporting their families, and also to support a local initiative of high cultural significance.