A business school graduate, Thomas began his career in investment banking at Société Générale and Deloitte in Paris, where he spent 6 years advising company directors on their mergers and acquisitions projects. Working with entrepreneurs inspired him to set up his own business.

He created CookUp, a company offering subscriptions to gourmet food boxes, which he developed over 2 years before selling it to a competitor. On his return to the corporate world, Thomas took over responsibility for international purchasing and business development for an SME in the technical textiles sector.

In 2015, he joined Rawbank as Head of Strategy and Controlling. Between 2018 and 2020, in parallel with his position, he began an MBA, TRIUM (HEC Paris, London School of Economics and New York University) from which he graduated in 2020. Thomas is now Director of Strategy Devlopment, in charge of relations with international partners (fundraising, co-financing, etc.) and intrapreneurial projects (e.g. bankinsurance).