The bank

RAWBANK, on the field and active against the coronavirus in Kinshasa

RAWBANK, institution bancaire en RDC, a apporté sa contribution à ses partenaires et autres structures locales dans le cadre de la lutte contre le coronavirus qui constitue aujourd’hui, une épidémie à l’échelle internationale. Son action s’inscrit dans l’appel à la solidarité et l’effort collectif national lancés par l’Autorité publique pour combattre  cet ennemi commun. 

RAWBANK carried out a series of humanitarian actions in favor of its partners and other local structures, including the medical corps, the victims of Covid-19 and people in precarious situations living in Kinshasa.  

The first action was the delivery of various batches of hygiene and sanitary materials to Saint-Joseph Hospital in Limete. "Hygiene measures are strictly respected before entering this health institution. We salute all their efforts, and it is in this sense that we bring our contribution consisting of oxygen cylinders, pressure-reducer devices, and masks in order to strengthen the material made available to the valiant medical corps", said the representative of RAWBANK, during the delivery of the donation. The deposited materials will have a positive impact on the prevention and management of patients suffering from coronavirus.

The next actions were focused at the level of the communes; first the commune of Limete, and the in Barumbu. At the communal house of Limete and in the presence of the mayor of the commune, the bank came to the aid of the less fortunate by bringing them a large delivery of bags of rice, maize, cans of oil, and other goods to supply these families who are facing the lockdown. This is one of the preventive measures to stop this plague.

"We are filled with a feeling of joy and gratitude. We thank RAWBANK for this gesture which will relieve several families during this difficult period", stated the mayor of the commune.

The same gesture was made in Barumbu, where the natives of this commune held a speech of thanks and recognition towards the bank.  

RAWBANK, as a financial partner of the University Clinics of Kinshasa, proceeded to the delivery of a batch of hydro-alcoholic gels that will be available at the RAWBANK counter to allow agents and clients to better protect themselves. Very committed to this collective effort against the coronavirus, the bank has also provided the University Clinics with respirators, masks, and aspirators for the care of people tested positive for Covid-19.

This act of solidarity was welcomed with a feeling of joy and gratitude by the entire medical team represented by Professor Joseph Bodi Mabiala, Deputy Director of the CUK.

RAWBANK, as part of its corporate social responsibility policy, is actively involved in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in DR Congo and continues to sensitize and make the Congolese population aware of the need to respect hygiene measures in order to protect themselves and others through its actions and all its establishments in both Kinshasa and the provinces. conscientiser la population congolaise au respect des mesures d’hygiène pour se protéger soi-même et protéger les autres et ce, à travers ses actions et toutes ses implantations tant à Kinshasa que dans les provinces.


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