The bank

RAWBANK, sponsor of the Pan-African Conference on the Grand Inga Project

RAWBANK is proud to have been one of the sponsors of the Technical Preparatory Work for the Pan-African Conference on Grand Inga (+WWE) and Hydropower. The meetings were held by videoconference from June 22-29. This support in the organization of these meetings demonstrates the commitment of the bank to accompany the development of the energy sector in DR Congo.

For a week, the experts met to examine all the aspects of the Grand Inga file, to develop a roadmap of innovative investments and thus prepare the participation of the DRC in this major conference of heads of state, scheduled for September and October 2020, while taking into account the evolution of the sanitary situation of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The upcoming meeting will be part of regional cooperation to accelerate access to sustainable, clean, affordable, and reliable energy. It will be attended by the High Representative, Raila Odinga of the African Union for Infrastructure Development in Africa, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and the African Union Development Agency.

According to the Congolese Head of State, Felix Antoine Tshisekedi, the main objectives of these upcoming meetings will be to encourage continental and global efforts to strengthen regional cooperation and integration as a catalyst for the realization of renewable hydropower projects and investments, innovation and implementation of energy efficiency on the continent.

« En plus de discuter de la faisabilité du projet Grand Inga dans son ensemble, mon initiative est destinée à recueillir un soutien politique régional pour les projets d’hydroélectricité de la RDC, particulièrement le projet Grand Inga, qui est considéré comme un point d’ancrage important pour résoudre les pénuries d’électricité en Afrique, l’énergie verte et le marché continental africain de l’électricité », a rassuré le président de la République, lors de l’ouverture des travaux préparatoires le 22 juin 2020. 

RAWBANK, as sponsor of this great virtual meeting, encouraged the Congolese Government and its partners in their process of elaborating a master plan for continental electricity systems, which will certainly lead to the creation of a continental electricity market.  


Let's build together a great and strong Congo.