The bank

Rawbank supports the African Union in celebrating Africa Day

On the 59th anniversary of Africa Day, on 25 May, a group of African ambassadors accredited in the DRC commemorated the occasion with a theme of, renforcement de la résilience en matière de nutrition et de sécurité  alimentaire sur le continent africain »


This was a day to draw public attention to the students of the Mosolo/Mic School in the commune of N’sele and to support 300 pupils in establishing a school canteen project.

Rawbank, represented by its Corporate Affairs Director, Jok Oga Ukelo, donated items at the ceremony, including t-shirts, caps and the Schoolap Tab, the first Congolese school tablet with embedded lessons. He also gave the students copies of Sambolé magazine from the publisher Jean-Paul Bindo. These donations were all given to the pupils in order to ensure a good education in the right conditions.

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The Vice-Minister of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education, Aminata Namasia, was pleased to see these contributions to the school, as were the leaders of these young pupils, who thanked this African delegation for their valuable donations to combating malnutrition, a key obstacle to children’s learning.

At the end of the formalities, it was time to visit the classrooms in which these children shared a small meal in a friendly atmosphere, thus demonstrating solidarity and the shared values common to Africans.

The ambassadors’ day also included a show of their significant support for the African Women’s Financial Association, in the hopes of strengthening its activities on women’s empowerment.

And, finally, the ambassadors travelled to the Kenyan Embassy, the chosen venue where all the member states of the African Union celebrated African food and music in all of their variety in commemoration of Africa Day.