The bank

Rawbank engages in an agreement with Mansa Music to accompany the Wenge Musica BCBG 4×4 reconciliation concert

Rawbank is now one of the organisations accompanying the historic Wenge Musica BCBG 4×4 Tout terrain concert scheduled for 30 June 2022 at the Stade des Martyrs in Kinshasa.

A travers ce sponsoring, Rawbank tient à présenter et mettre en valeur son application illicocashapplication, an electronic purse that facilitates fast and secure payments.

As the bank of reference in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), committed to the promotion of Congolese culture, Rawbank signed on Friday 27 May 2022 a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the production company Mansa Music RDC, initiator of this event which seals the reconciliation between the “Bana Wenge” 25 years after having broken up.

The Deputy Director General of Rawbank, Christian Kamanzi, signed the document confirming the commitment of this banking institution, as an economic actor, to contribute not only to the cultural development of the DRC, but also to support and promote Congolese artists.

Amadou Diaby, General Manager of the Mansa Music DRC production house, validated this partnership in the presence of three administrators of the Wenge Musica Bon Chic Bon Genre group, namely Alain Makaba, Jean-Bedel Mpiana and Ngiama Werrason.

wenge musica concert

“This is a great honour for us, and I welcome you all to Rawbank,” said Kamanzi, during the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding at the bank’s headquarters in Kinshasa.

For his part, Amadou Diaby, believes that “Rawbank has just shown the world that Congolese culture cannot be abandoned.”

He added: “I would like to thank the General Manager of Rawbank, Mr. Mustafa Rawji, who stated that he was frankly in favour of the reconciliation of the Congolese people. I can only thank you for this hospitality and the importance you give to Congolese artists, especially the Wenge Musica BCBG 4×4 Tout terrain.”


Sponsoring the Wenge Musica BCBG 4×4 concert is not an isolated act for Rawbank.

“Sharing wealth and supporting our country’s communities is the DNA of the Bank,” says a statement from the banking institution.

This partnership is part of Rawbank’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. “The promotion of our artists is part of this strategy, which aims to be coherent, relevant and supportive of these actors who make up the identity of the DRC,” the statement said.

D’après le responsable RSE de Rawbank, Isaac KALALA MUKENDI, « participer à cette grande fête de la musique est une  occasion d’affirmer  l’attachement de la Banque à la promotion et à

la production de la culture musicale au Congo, surtout que Wenge Musica 4×4 fait partie du patrimoine culturel congolais au travers son apport. » « C’est une marque d’engagement et d’attachement supplémentaires que nous voulons exprimer à travers ce  partenariat », souligne-t-il.


Par cette action, Rawbank entend démontrer son engagement aux côtés  de ceux qui œuvrent pour la promotion de la culture congolaise à travers le monde.

La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), notons-le, demeure jusqu’à ce jour une des plus éminentes  représentantes de la scène musicale africaine contemporaine.


Forte de plus de 1 800 collaborateurs avec 100 points de vente, un bureau de représentation à Bruxelles, 240 distributeurs automatiques de billets, plus de 500 000 clients et plus de 30% de parts de marché, Rawbank accompagne le développement de l’économie congolaise depuis 2002.