Mustafa RAWJI

Born in Kinshasa, Mustafa Rawji completed his secondary education in London and obtained a master's degree in finance in Boston (Babson College. He began his career at Calyon Bank, first in Geneva, then in Paris. In 2002, he helped created RAWBANKTwo years later, he took the initiative to acquire additional international banking experience and joined HSBC in Dubai, where he worked for five years as a sales executive in the Corporate, Investment & Merchant Banking department.

In September 2009, he joined RAWBANK as Deputy Secretary General. He successively held the positions of Chairman of the Credit Committee, Head of the Marketing & Communication Department and Chairman of the Quality Committee. At the end of 2013, he was appointed Director of Strategic Development and, in 2014, Vice-Chairman of the Management Committee. In July 2015, he was appointed Deputy General Manager in charge of support and infrastructure. He was appointed Managing Director in 2020.

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