
Acting in compliance involves understanding the rules that govern our activities and abiding by them. This compliance is relevant to all employees. In response to this realization, at Rawbank, we have developed a strategic approach based on several convictions :

  • The responsibility for preventing non-compliance risk is a shared responsibility at all levels of roles within the bank;
  • In a complex and constantly evolving regulatory environment, it is crucial to clearly and simply convey these transformations to those internally concerned;
  • Pour assurer une excellente qualité de suivi et de contrôle, il faut mettre en place un dispositif décentralisé de supervision des activités de conformité au sein des régions.

The compliance function has been in existence since the bank's inception in 2002. It has evolved and structured itself over time to meet the requirements of the regulator, the Central Bank of Congo (BCC), and to integrate into all operational practices the prevention and detection of compliance risks.

Rawbank's Compliance Brochure

Our Compliance Brochure

Rawbank has equipped itself with a compliance brochure detailing our vision of compliance and our approach.

Our Compliance Objective

  • To continuously have a robust and adaptable Compliance Control function, suited to our environment and the nature of our risks, supporting the bank's growth and commercial development;
  • To ensure compliance with the fundamental missions of compliance control, the regulator's requirements, and the main international requirements applicable to our activity;
  • To have a risk management system for non-compliance that is strategic, tactical, and operational and understandable to all our stakeholders;
  • To develop solid monitoring, training, and reporting systems for banking and prudential compliance issues.

The Main Areas of Compliance in the Bank

Among the numerous challenges faced by Rawbank as a leading bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo, compliance-related issues occupy a crucial place in the bank's policy.
Indeed, Rawbank's Compliance Department is continuously ensuring adherence to banking-specific rules and norms, placing client trust and adherence to legal and regulatory frameworks at the forefront of its actions. This approach helps in better managing non-compliance risks such as money laundering, personal data protection, failure to recognize customer identity (KYC: Know Your Customer), terrorist financing, and avoiding the detrimental consequences of these risks such as international sanctions and embargoes.
Regulatory Compliance
The Compliance Department is tasked with establishing mechanisms and controls to prevent our services from being used for illicit and/or criminal purposes.
In this regard, it meticulously ensures that both national and international regulations on anti-money laundering are flawlessly applied within the bank, along with implementing standards set by the Central Bank of Congo (BCC) in this area. All of this is supported by an ongoing training program for all bank employees and management.
Anti-Money Laundering
The Compliance Department is tasked with establishing mechanisms and controls to prevent our services from being used for illicit and/or criminal purposes.
In this regard, it meticulously ensures that both national and international regulations on anti-money laundering are flawlessly applied within the bank, along with implementing standards set by the Central Bank of Congo (BCC) in this area. All of this is supported by an ongoing training program for all bank employees and management. 
Know your Customer (KYC)
Customer protection and knowledge is a strategic and sensitive aspect of Rawbank's Compliance Program. The department ensures that clients and, more generally, all its counterparts are identified following legal and regulatory rules and principles. In this context, the bank's KYC rules also enable operational monitoring of client accounts and transactions to ensure they remain in line with their activities and profiles.
The KYC rules at Rawbank also cover aspects of knowing our employees (Know Your Employee) and our counterparts (Know Your Supplier).
Counter-Terrorism Financing
The emergence of the terrorist threat globally and in Africa cannot leave Rawbank indifferent. The Compliance Program within the bank also addresses issues related to counter-terrorism financing.
This involves systematic and regular screening of our client base using advanced IT tools utilized by major industry players. The Compliance teams and Rawbank employees are particularly vigilant and attentive to the prevention of terrorist activities under any circumstances or involving any stakeholders.
International Sanctions and Embargoes
Rawbank strictly adheres to commercial embargoes and economic and financial sanctions to significantly reduce operational risks associated with non-compliance with international sanctions. This issue remains at the core of the bank's concerns, ensuring compliance with local and international laws and being aware of embargoes and economic and financial sanctions applicable in the markets where Rawbank operates or interacts. 
Ethics and Integrity
Rawbank places a high emphasis on professional ethics and integrity in its corporate culture and in its internal and external interactions. Through its compliance department, it aims to maintain a high level of personal integrity and professional ethics in relationships with its clients and in interactions between its employees and the bank, to prevent market abuses, conflicts of interest situations, and risks of corruption.
In a context where environmental issues are very important globally and particularly in Africa, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria have become paramount in Rawbank's strategy. Through its various sectoral policies, Rawbank strives to integrate a standardized ESG approach in its different programs and make ESG factors a criterion for evaluating its actions. 
Personal Data Protection
As a banking institution, Rawbank has built and continues to build strong relationships with its partners and clients based on mutual trust. With the goal of preserving and enhancing this trust, Rawbank makes data protection a strategic priority.

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Their trust is our most valuable asset, and Rawbank does everything in its power to continue honoring it. 

What is Compliance?

Compliance can be defined as: "the set of processes that ensure the company's behavior, its leaders, and its employees conform to the legal and ethical standards applicable to them." At Rawbank, compliance is a central concern. Indeed, Rawbank is committed to respecting all applicable international, national, and local regulations and standards.

At Rawbank, the "Compliance" function specifically focuses on 7 points : 
  • To integrate the rules of the Congolese legislation as well as the international standards on the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing in the procedures and instructions of the bank
  • Examine applications to open accounts and submit them to the Compliance Committee for decision
  • Ensure the regularization of account opening files
  • Monitor transactions to detect suspicious transactions
  • Provide compliance training to staff
  • Monitoring the compliance of the bank's personnel
  • Centralize staff communications on suspicious transactions and file suspicious transaction reports with the Central Bank of Congo 
Compliance as a Trust-Enhancing Tool at Rawbank: 

At Rawbank, our commitment to compliance is at the heart of our business practices. We believe adhering to current regulations and the highest international standards is essential for building a prosperous and secure enterprise for our clients and staff. We are aware of the security challenges faced by financial institutions and take them very seriously. 

We work closely with regulators to ensure our compliance processes meet the strictest standards and that our clients are protected from risks associated with money laundering and terrorist financing. Our staff is regularly trained to maintain robust compliance processes and ensure the safety of our clients and our business.

At Rawbank, we believe compliance is a key element of our long-term success, as it helps to strengthen our clients' trust in our financial services. We are proud to maintain a culture of integrity and transparency, which is vital to our commitment to compliance and high standards. We continue to work diligently to protect our clients' security and confidentiality while adhering to the highest compliance standards.

Rawbank's Actions and Various Standards : 
To maintain the highest compliance standards, Rawbank has a set of rigorous processes and procedures to ensure all operations are conducted in accordance with current regulations. We work closely with regulatory authorities to ensure we adhere to the strictest compliance standards. 

Currently, several compliance standards are in force for banks and financial institutions. The most well-known are those set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organization tasked with combating money laundering and terrorist financing. FATF standards are recognized worldwide and are a benchmark for compliance. 

Other important standards include the European directives on anti-money laundering, the regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the regulations issued by the French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR). As a financial institution, Rawbank ensures compliance with all applicable standards in the countries where it operates. This includes setting up rigorous compliance processes, training staff, and implementing surveillance and control systems to detect any suspicious activity. 

Staff Training 
Our dedicated compliance team consists of highly qualified professionals who ensure all processes are carried out according to regulatory standards. We also regularly update our compliance policies to stay current with the latest developments in the field. 

Indeed, staff training is a crucial aspect of ensuring compliance with current standards. When employees are well-trained and know the rules and procedures to follow, they are then able to detect non-compliant behaviors and report them to management. This can help prevent compliance violations before they occur and reduce risks to the business. Furthermore, regular training keeps staff up-to-date on regulatory changes and updates to the company's internal policies and procedures. This ensures all employees have the latest information and can work in compliance with regulatory standards. 

Employee training is also key to creating a compliance culture within the company. 
Employees are the main actors in the business, and by involving them in the compliance process, they are more likely to take compliance seriously and consider it an integral part of their work. This can help strengthen employee engagement and loyalty to the company. 

The Many Benefits of Compliance 
Finally, training employees for compliance standards can help improve the company's reputation. Companies that adhere to compliance standards have a better reputation, which can lead to increased trust from clients and investors. This can translate into financial benefits for the company. 

As a leading bank in the DRC, Rawbank is committed to maintaining the highest compliance standards. We work closely with regulatory bodies to ensure we meet the strictest compliance and regulation standards. Our clients can be assured that their banking operations are carried out safely and in accordance with current regulations. To learn more about our commitment to compliance, please do not hesitate to contact us.