Rawbank in the TOP-5 valued companies in Africa

Rawbank, the leading bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is ranked second among the most valued companies in Central Africa in the CIAN barometer of opinion leaders in Africa.

Published on February 6, 2020 in the second edition of the CIANbarometer, the French Council of Investors in Africa gathered the opinions of 2,400 influencers and decisionmakers from political, economic, and civil society backgrounds. The study conducted by the IMMAR Institute covered a perimeter of 12 French- and English-speaking African countries. It reports on the optimism shared by opinion leaders about the future of the continent and on the plebiscite met by the establishment of the FTAA, African Continental Free Trade Area.
For its first appearance in the barometer, Rawbank made a remarkable entry and was placed directly in second place.
The leader of the Congolese banking sector, with nearly two decades of performance, has great ambitions for the future of the group and also for the DRC with its campaign ‘ Building a great and strong Congo together’ ».
« "We work daily to meet and anticipate the needs of our customers and partners. Building a strong and successful bank has always been our vision. Today, we can be proud of Rawbank's status. This ranking attests to the credibility we enjoy among opinion leaders. We intend to go further and make the country shine, as it is called to play a decisive role in the sub-region and more broadly on the continent", said Thierry Taeymans, General Manager of Rawbank.


Relying on its expertise, the bank is strengthening its leading position in the Congolese market. With more than 1,600 employees, nearly 100 points of sale, a representative office in Brussels, more than 400,000 clients, and a 27% market share, RAWBANK supports the development of the Congolese economy. Certified and awarded, it is considered today as a key financial player in the DRC for individuals, SMEs, large companies, and international institutions. Rawbank is ISO/IEC 20000 and ISO/IEC 27001 certified and has established financing partnerships with several international donors (Proparco, IFC, Shelter Africa, etc.). Security, profitability and sustainability are Rawbank's operational priorities in order to consolidate its growth strategy, particularly towards individuals and the private sector.