The e-Line loan is a cash flow loan intended for small and medium-sized customers, distributors of electric money, commonly called "Super dealers".
What are the eligibility criteria for e-Line credit?
To be eligible for the e-Line credit, you must :
- To be an authorized distributor (super dealer) of one or several Telecommunication Companies that are clients of Rawbank ;
- Etre en relation d’affaires continue avec la(les) société(s) de télécommunication(s) for at least 2 years ;
- At least three years of existence of the activity
- A letter of recommendation from the telecommunications company recognising the distributor as a super dealer ;
- To have a current account at Rawbank for at least 6 months.
What is the benefit of the product ?
The e-Line credit allows the customer, super dealer to :
- Renforcer sa capacité financière afin d’atteindre ses objectifs de vente dans les meilleures conditions.
- To acquire electronic money from telecommunication companies.
What are the characteristics of e-Line credit?
- A fixed-term advance granted in the form of a revolving loan*;
- A 12-month period ;
- Annual interest rate of 12%.
*Revolving" credit is a type of credit that is automatically renewed as the borrower makes repayments.