Term deposits give you the chance to earn more, just by letting time take its course. You choose the amount and duration of your investments.
Gagnez plus en laissant faire le temps
With the term deposit you can earn more just by letting time take its course. You choose the amount and duration of your investments. All you have to do is invest your short-term cash surpluses in capital, without any risk and without any account fees, thus ensuring returns that are known in advance. The choice of the amount and duration of the investment is determined by you to fit your life.
Quels sont les avantages du Dépôt à Terme?
Intended for the entire client category, the term deposit offers:
- un taux d’intérêt annuel de :
- 2,5% at 4,5% in USD (for 1 year),
- 3% at 5% in USD (for 2 years),
- and 3,5% à 5,5% in USD (for 3 years)
- l’épargne en CDF à un taux exceptionnel de 20% l’an
- a minimum amount of USD 100,000 and CDF 1,000,000
- aucun frais de clôture de compte mais avec une pénalité de 0,8% appliquée sur les intérêts en cas de tombée anticipée.