Facturis credit
Facturis credit
The Facturis credit, Rawbank allows you to anticipate your cash flow needs and reinforce your financial capacity within the framework of the contracts signed with your suppliers. Facturis is a line of credit offered by Rawbank to its SME customers who are suppliers to a large company, itself a Rawbank customer.

Choose the amount of your loan
Avez-vous besoin d’anticiper vos besoins de trésorerie ? Our advisers can help you by telephone at this stage.

Apply for credit
Download and complete the Facturis credit application form, then send us the completed form.

Make your choice by subscribing to one type of service or another.
Facturis credit eligibility criteria
- To be a supplier of one or several large companies that are clients of Rawbank
- To be in continuous business relationship with one or more of these companies for a minimum of one year
- Benefit from a positive appreciation of the larger company
- To have a current account at Rawbank
- To have received a minimum of three payments from a larger company through any bank
Facturis credit features
- The credit advance can not exceed:
- 80% of the invoice amount
- Two months of the annual turnoves annuel
- The term of each advance is granted on the basis of the invoice payment term, with a maximum of 60 days
- Reimbursement through payments made by the large business and any other revenue of the supplier.
- The credit line can be renewed at the end of the term. To do so, a new credit application must be submitted prior to the due date.
Rawbank Facturis credit
Rawbank is a leading commercial bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo, offering personalized services to help customers better manage their finances and realize their projects. We are here to help you find the financing solution best suited to your needs.
If you're looking for a way to anticipate your cash flow needs and boost your financial capacity, a Facturis credit application is the perfect solution to meet those immediate needs. However, the eligibility criteria for a facturis credit vary from one lender to another. To be eligible for Rawbank's facturis credit, you must be a supplier to one or more of Rawbank's large corporate clients, have an ongoing business relationship with the large corporate clients, have positive feedback from the large corporate client, and have received a minimum of 3 payments from a large corporate client.
Interest rates and charges on comfort loans
Les durées de remboursement peuvent aller jusqu’à 60 jours.
The different credit options available
Il est important de bien évaluer les différentes options de crédit facturis disponibles avant de faire un choix. Les critères à prendre en compte incluent le taux d’intérêt, les frais associés, la durée de remboursement, le montant accordé, ainsi que la réputation et l’historique du prêteur. Il est également important de prendre en compte sa propre situation financière et ses besoins avant de faire votre choix.
However, it is important to understand the terms and conditions of the loan before committing yourself, to avoid financial pitfalls.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Rawbank is here to help you find the best solution for your urgent financial needs.