Trading room

In order to better respond to the expectations and needs of its "corporate" clientele, Rawbank, through its trading room, offers companies access to alternative financing, investment and hedging solutions for exchange rates and commodities

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the economic and financial development of the country is creating more and more varied needs for companies to remain competitive both on the national and international markets.

What is a trading room?

The dealing room includes different specialized services (Front Office, Middle Office, Back Office) that allow Rawbank to intervene on the national and international capital markets on behalf of its "corporate" clients.

The dealing room offers new financial products that meet the needs and expectations of companies (source of investment, financing, exchange rate and commodity hedging).

What does the Rawbank trading room offer?

The trading room handles classic operations such as:

  • Foreign exchange operations commonly carried out by the Treasury department;
  • Operations on the futures markets;
  • Operations on the bond markets;
  • Access to investment funds.

It also offers the following two products to companies:

  • Commercial Paper (CP) : with a short-term negotiable debt security (TCN) of less than one year.
  • Medium Term Notes (MTN): with a medium term negotiable debt security (TCN) of 1 to 5 years.

Rawbank's trading room also offers hedging products (exchange rates, commodity prices).

what are the benefits for our corporate clients?

For companies, the trading room benefits from :

  • a financial and time saving ;
  • a better risk management;
  • an alternative source of financing and investment;
  • a flexibility according to the needs of financing and investment;
  • a better return compared to traditional financial investments in DRC;
  • security against losses related to exchange rates and commodity prices.

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