Rawbank credit

Choose your credit from all our offers.

Find the financing solution best suited to your needs by taking out a credit of choice. Would you like express credit ? Consumer credit ? Credit for a specific need ?

Express credit

Express credit is a personal loan not contractually assigned to a specific project.


  • Amounts ranging from USD 450 to USD 30,000 ;
  • With a monthly interest rate negotiated according to the employer's profile
  • A term of up to 60 months.

Confort credit

Confort credit is an overdraft authorization, a line of credit granted to salaried Retail customers.


  • An amount not exceeding 50% of your salary ;
  • A monthly interest rate of 2.99% (USD) and 5.99% (CDF) ;
  • A term of up to 24 months
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Study credit

Study Credit is a consumer credit designed for the payment of tuition and academic fees for employees' children in approved companies.


  • Amount ranging from USD 150 to USD 5 000 ;
  • A monthly interest rate of 2.5% (USD) and 3.75% (CDF) ;
  • A term of up to 13 months
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Auto credit

Consumer credit offering employees of Rawbank-approved companies the opportunity to buy a used vehicle from our approved dealers.


  • A montant ranging from USD 8000 to USD 50 000 ;
  • Annual interest rate of 12% ;
  • A term of up to 13 months
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Okaz Auto credit

Consumer credit offering employees of Rawbank-approved companies the opportunity to buy a used vehicle from our approved dealers.


  • A montant ranging from USD 4 000 to USD 30 000 ;
  • Annual interest rate of 12%
  • A term of up to 30 months

Motorcycle credit

Consumer credit for employees of companies approved by Rawbank to buy a motorcycle from our approved dealers.


  • A montant ranging from USD 800 to USD 5 000 ;
  • A monthly interest rate of 1.75% (USD) and 3.75% (CDF) ;
  • A term of up to 24 months

Easy Shop credit

Easyshop credit is a consumer credit for the purchase of goods (generally household equipment) from merchants approved by the bank.


  • A montant ranging from USD 200 to USD 10 000 ;
  • A monthly interest rate of 1.75% (USD) and 3.75% (CDF) ;
  • A term of up to 24 months

Easy Fly credit

Consumer credit offering employees of Rawbank-approved companies the opportunity to buy airline tickets on credit from partner travel agencies.


  • A montant ranging from USD 200 to USD 10 000 ;
  • A monthly interest of 1.75 % (USD) and 3.75% (USD)
  • A term of up to 24 months
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Easy Energy credit

Consumer credit offering the possibility of purchasing solar kits and other renewable energy solutions from our approved dealers. 


  • Amount ranging from USD 150 to USD 10 000 ;
  • A monthly interest rate of 1.75% (USD) and 3.75% (CDF) ;
  • A term of up to 24 months

Leopard credit

Crédit Léopard is a consumer credit for Congolese civil servants.


  • A montant ranging from USD 216 to USD 10 000 ;
  • Un taux d?intérêt mensuel de 1.5% (USD) et 3.75% (CDF) ;
  • A term of up to 15 months

Schoolap credit

Consumer credit to finance the purchase of a Schoolap Molakisi tablet, an essential tool for students to learn lessons and prepare for class.


  • Amount ranging from USD 150 to USD 1 500 ;
  • A monthly interest of 3.25% (CDF) and 2% (USD)
  • A term of up to 13 months
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Academia credit

The Academia loan is a consumer credit designed to finance school fees for young university students.


  • Hold an Academia Pack or an Eco Pack ;
  • Loan granted with a full grace period ;
  • A three-year loan.
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Motorcycle plus credit

The Moto Plus credit is a credit that allows individuals who are not employed by Rawbank-approved companies to buy a motorcycle from our approved dealers.


  • A maximum amount of 4500 USD ;
  • A monthly intrerest rate of 3.5% ;
  • A term of up 13 months.

Chez Moi credit

The Chez Moi loan is a loan designed to finance the acquisition of a property.


  • A long-term loan to buy a property ;
  • A loan amount determined by the customer's net monthly salary ;
  • Repayment terms of up to 120 months.

Le crédit Chez Moi +

This loan, dedicated to Privilege Banking customers, is designed to finance the acquisition of a property or an existing home.


  • A long-term loan to buy a property ;
  • A loan amount determined by the customer's net monthly salary ;
  • Repayment terms of up to 120 months.

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