Rawbank services

Rawbank's range of services



Program set up by the bank to reward transactions made online or at the electronic payment terminal (EPT) with RAWBANK VISA cards, by awarding loyalty points.Rawards is a program set up by the bank to reward transactions made online or at the electronic payment terminal (EPT) with RAWBANK VISA cards, by awarding loyalty points.

  • No subscription fees for the program
  • Buying with Rawards points
  • Conversion of points to cash


Visa Direct

Visa Direct

Visa Direct allows you to send and receive money directly, securely and cost-effectively using your Visa card.

  • Receive money
  • Send money



ATM Deposit

This service allows customers to make deposits 24/7 from an ATM Deposit Rawbank.

  • Available 24/7
  • Maximum deposit of USD 4,000
  • No long queues

Safe deposit box

Keep your valuables and important documents safe with Rawbank's safe deposit box service.

  • Conservation of assets
  • Holding a key to the safe
  • Annual fee payment

China Express

This service enables customers to make a transfer directly to a bank account in China, by entering the number of their ? Union Pay? card number linked to the beneficiary's account.

  • Simple and fast
  • Linked to the Union Pay card
  • Transfer to a bank account in China

Travelia Insurance  

Travelia is an insurance policy linked to Visa, Mastercad and Mastercard Traveler's international bank cards.

  • A travel insurance certificate
  • Health coverage for the duration of your stay
  • Luggage loss coverage
  • Etc,…

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