
Fidelity account

The Fidelity Account is a classic savings account with no limit, available for Congolese Francs (CDF) and American Dollars (USD).

The current account is a classic current account, available in Congolese Franc (CDF), American Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), South African Rand (ZAR), Yuan (RMB), and Canadian Dollar (CAD).

How to open a Fidelity Account ?

In order to open a current account, the following requirements must be met : 

  1. Conditions of eligibility be of age, resident or non-resident . : 
  2. . : 
  • Fill in the account opening form + FATCA  
  • Fill in acknowledgement of receiptRGO 
  • Be in possession of a valid identity document (passport, ID card, driver license  
  • two color passport photos

What are the features of the Fidelity Account ?

The fidelity account, in addition to accepting card payments, offers several advantages :.. .. ., . 

  • PNo account management fees ;  
  • No minimum deposit required ; 
  • An interest rateset at 10% (CDF) and 2% (USD).  

What transactions can I perform with the current account

With the Fidelity Savings Account you will be able to perform the following banking operations :    

  • Deposit at the counter  
  • Withdrawal at the counter  
  • Withdrawal with card 

Documents to download

  • FATCA : Data Collection Form
  • RGO : General Regulations of Operations 

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